In Akihabara in 1999, a 17-year-old Nagomi Wahira begins her new job working at a pig-themed maid café, trying to follow her dream of being a cheerful and hardworking maid. However, Nagomi soon finds the world of maid cafés in Akihabara is cutthroat.
In Akihabara in 1999, a 17-year-old Nagomi Wahira begins her new job working at a pig-themed maid café, trying to follow her dream of being a cheerful and hardworking maid. However, Nagomi soon finds the world of maid cafés in Akihabara is cutthroat.
In Akihabara in 1999, a 17-year-old Nagomi Wahira begins her new job working at a pig-themed maid café, trying to follow her dream of being a cheerful and hardworking maid. However, Nagomi soon finds the world of maid cafés in Akihabara is cutthroat.